Your Personalized Guide to Better Health

Restore your body’s natural energy flow to move towards healing.

Let’s tune in to what your body is really saying! With muscle response testing, we’ll find out your body’s priorities for healing and use multiple techniques to restore your whole health—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Let's Explore

Put simply, I’m here to help you feel better.

Healing from the Inside Out

My healing journey led me to Holistic Kinesiology, and I am honored to use these skills to help you feel your best, too.

Just before my 25th birthday, my health took a turn for the worse for no apparent reason. I spent years listening to Western doctors tell me “we don’t know” and “nothing is wrong with you.” You can imagine my frustration.

Three years later, I was introduced to an Applied Kinesiologist who was able to give me an explanation and even used muscle response testing to determine my body’s priority to heal.

Following their protocol, to my amazement, my health began to improve steadily and I felt energetic, healthy, and whole again.

Let's Bring Your Body Back Into Balance

Together we will determine the next steps to take in your healing journey.

Using muscle response testing, we will determine your body’s priorities for healing and use multiple techniques to bring the body into balance. For infants and children too young to muscle test directly, we will utilize surrogate testing — which is muscle testing the child through a parent or caregiver.

Finding a health practitioner that feels aligned with who you are and your specific needs is invaluable. Schedule your first session today!

What Clients are Saying

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If you’re into wellness, healthy foods, and safe and effective holistic medicine, my articles are for you!

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I look forward to being a part of your healing journey.

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